Dr. Hollander is a Research Psychoanalyst in private practice in Los Angeles. She is a member and on the Faculty of the Los Angeles Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies and President of Psychoanalysis for Social Responsibility (Section 9 of the APA Division of Psychoanalysis). She is also Professor Emerita of Latin American History at California State University, Domingues Hills. Dr. Hollander has lived in Argentina and travels frequently to Latin America to do research and work with colleagues, with whom she has been engaged in analyzing the psychological sequelae of political repression, the multigenerational transmission of trauma and the clinical challenge to the psychoanalytic principle of neutrality in societies characterized by hierarchies of class, race and gender. She presents and publishes her work, which examines these themes in the context of Latin America and the United States, in a variety of international venues and journals. Hollander’s most recent book publication is Uprooted Minds: Surviving the Politics of Terror in the Americas (Routledge, 2010).